One of the most innovative startup in Italy, MIPRONS opens its new headquarters in Colleferro, celebrating with an opening party. Based in Regione Lazio space valley, the new building makes now it possible to implement the research capacity of the startup founded by Angelo Minotti, a former professor at La Sapienza University, which focuses on the theme of energy sustainability, on earth and on space.
The startup is based on several patents, filed in nearly fifty countries. MIPRONS is working on an innovative satellite thruster characterized by miniaturized dimensions and high thrust, so that it can be installed both on nanosatellites and on large satellites. Only loading water (green, safe and economical), the system would also allow for faster maneuver times such as orbit-rasing, de-orbiting and collision avoidance. In particular, the thrust is generated by burning hydrogen and oxygen, produced directly in orbit through a process of electrolysis of water. The MIPRONS project, part of the ESA-BIC Lazio Accelerator Program, has received various acknowledgments and interests in the national and international fields, also participating in some scale-up programs both in China, USA and in Israel.
“I thank all the people who collaborate with MIPRONS: the institutional and the research staff – with which we are doing wonderful things and we will go even further – declared the founder Angelo Minotti during the inauguration -. The wish also applies to everyone. those who become part of our group and for those who believed and keep to believe in our ideas “.